Joined: Aug 19, 2022
Last seen: Jan 22, 2025
Topics: 20 / Replies: 843
RE: Microdosing Ozempic to help with Massive Diarrhea

Sorry for the delayed reply, but I've wanted to get some additional information before posting. I have heard of similar experiences with some peop...

2 years ago
RE: Why am I having pvcs, palpitations, and skipped heart beats

@sce please keep us updated. PVCs are a common occurrence so it is difficult to be certain of the cause. In most cases I don't think people ever know....

2 years ago
RE: Any information about Tech Technological University? Masters in Pediatric Medicine

Just be clear that all of these replies are spam responses by the same person/people. As you can probably tell, whomever is posting is a not a native...

2 years ago
RE: Any information about Tech Technological University? Masters in Pediatric Medicine

The previous positive responses about Tech Technological University appear to be by people who work for the website and not actual students. If they c...

2 years ago
RE: Any information about Tech University? Masters in Pediatric Medicine

I did a brief review of their website and I personally would avoid this program if you are based in the United States. It appears this is an online un...

2 years ago
RE: Any information about TECH?

@johnv I'm not at all familiar with the school or the program. I've never heard of a Masters in Pediatric Medicine. I have no idea what someone ...

2 years ago
RE: Forum Software SEO - phpBB, Xenforo, vBulletin, Discourse and wpForo

Last month I converted the website from phpBB SEO to wpForo. I really wanted to move to a forum that is being regularly updated and supported. I wou...

2 years ago
RE: Erythritol and PVCs

I've noticed this post sitting here and realized I should share what information I can find on the topic. Remember, I am not giving medical advice, b...

2 years ago
High School Classes to Become a Psychiatrist

Take the classes you are interested in taking at the level appropriate for your abilities. More challenging classes do look better when applying to c...

3 years ago
High School Classes to Become a Psychiatrist

Chrxxlie_N, What you take in high school really makes no difference as long as you take the necessary courses in college. Taking basic biology, chem...

6 years ago
Tonsil Stones - what is the best way to remove them?

I removed the link added to the above long post. It was a link to a long video on YouTube advertising a book called Fast Tonsil Stones Cure, but Alle...

6 years ago
Forum Software SEO - phpBB, Xenforo, vBulletin, Discourse

I've put probably way more thought into this than I should have, but I am realizing long term the solution of reverting back to phpBB 3.0.x is not a g...

7 years ago
Forum Software SEO - phpBB, Xenforo, vBulletin, Discourse

I went through my Google Analytics information for this site and I have analytics data going back quite a ways. It looks like the traffic peaked in 2...

7 years ago
Best Nasal Irrigation Devices - Cost and Effectiveness

I'll update this post as I have time. I realized that if I waited until I had a complete response, it might be a while. So please understand this is...

7 years ago
Sore throat and cough that won't go away

First of all, that I do not intend to provide specific medical advice or recommendations. I am not your physician and even common sounding things on t...

7 years ago
Medical Education in Philippines for Indian students

I hate when people post on public forums purely to promote their own product. I did remove the link in the above post but I left the post anyway, bec...

7 years ago
Transferring from Community College

I think you are on the right path. If you get good grades, especially in your required pre-med courses (at a four year college), and you do well on t...

10 years ago
Transferring from Community College

In my experience, the basic science courses at a community college are not going to be as rigorous as the pre-med level courses you would take at a 4 ...

10 years ago
Pre-Med Classes to take in High School?

If you are a Freshman in high school, it is too early to worry about medical school. Your goal in high school is to get into a good college. The speci...

11 years ago
Learning about EKGs

Are you at all affiliated with that YouTube channel? Why is it that you want to learn how to read an ekg? What is your education background and goal?

11 years ago
Psychological exam before becoming a psychiatrist?

First off, you are generally describing the path to become a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. A doctoral program is generally for a PhD or PsyD in p...

11 years ago
High School student in England interested in psychiatry

saba aziz, Are you considering getting your medical education and specialty training in England? Or were you interested in the process of getting yo...

11 years ago
undergraduate schools - does it matter for medical school?

psych2018, The particular undergraduate school may make a difference when applying to the very top tier medical schools, but a bigger factor is under...

11 years ago
Board Certification in psychiatry

First - I corrected my earlier post about oral board exams. It appears from the ABPN website that physicians starting residency ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 2...

11 years ago
Board Certification in psychiatry

Arikat, Board eligible means you have successfully completed an accredited residency program and you are qualified to take the board exam. You don't...

11 years ago
Board Certification in psychiatry

psych112233, You'd have to complete an accredited psychiatry residency program. At that point you are considered board eligible. You can then take ...

12 years ago
career as a psychiatrist - foreign graduate

psych11223, Based on the information on this page of the AMA website, it does look like you would need to complete a residency program in the US or C...

12 years ago
career as a psychiatrist - foreign graduate

psych11223, I was thinking more about the NRMP data and I think that it does not fully represent how difficult it is to get accepted into a US reside...

12 years ago
career as a psychiatrist - foreign graduate

psych11223, US residency spots are very competitive for international medical graduates, mostly because there are a limited number of spots. US grad...

12 years ago
career as a psychiatrist - foreign graduate

psych11223, I can't really help you too much, since I'm not familiar with the medical education system in your country. You don't say where you will...

12 years ago
Can I become a psychiatrist with my backround?

Rose, Going an alternate route to getting your high school diploma won't keep you from becoming a psychiatrist; however, you would need to be an exce...

12 years ago
Poor high school grades - want to become a psychiatrist

Adam, My own opinion is that if you do well in college, taking challenging courses (which you will need to do for pre-med), then your high school gra...

12 years ago
Medical School Requirements - Frequent Questions and Answers

Brock13, The extracurriculars are nice if you are otherwise equal with another applicant, but it isn't enough to make or break your application. As ...

12 years ago
High School Classes to Become a Psychiatrist

Tammy, I'm not familiar with the medical education system in other parts of the country, but in the US, medical school is a graduate school, meaning ...

12 years ago
How to become a Psychiatrist

Emma_J, Thank you for trying to clarify the requirements but I would like to add a few clarifications. First, you don't need to attend 4 years of co...

12 years ago
How to become a Psychiatrist

yesyesyes, Fortunately, you don't have to make a decision any time soon. You have plenty of time to explore your interests. I think you can probabl...

12 years ago
How to become a Psychiatrist

yesyesyes, It really depends. I know some people who were not great at memorizing, but they were "good enough" and smart enough to do fine in medica...

12 years ago
How to become a Psychiatrist

Martha5, I'm not sure what you mean by DRs - is that some sort of exam? You don't need to obtain a masters degree. You would apply to medical schoo...

12 years ago
Best Medical School in the US

According to US News and World Reports, it is Harvard - at least for 2013.

12 years ago
would med schools approve - community college

It's fine to go to community college and still be a candidate for medical school. You'll want to take your pre-med courses at the 4 year college, tho...

12 years ago
Bad Grade in Organic Chemistry summer school

Your situation is very different from most people so it's hard to give much useful advice. I don't know anyone else who took organic chemistry as a 1...

12 years ago
RE: Need Help for getting into med school!

chrisshoe1, 1. Requirements for medical school - see the first post in this thread 2. I'm not familiar with nursing school curriculum, but you can com...

12 years ago
What are my chances of getting into medical school?

belen011, Someone with your background could get into medical school. Getting poor grades in high school will definitely make it tougher to get into...

12 years ago
Going to medical school at 39

Elena, I am sorry to hear that you had no luck getting accepted into medical school and I am surprised that you didn't even get interviews. I'm wond...

12 years ago
College Graduate - Community College for pre-dental courses?

while I am not a dentist, I think dental schools look at community college courses the same as medical schools would. Taking pre-med courses at a com...

12 years ago
5th year senior with low GPA interested in medical school

Rajpal, I have no major advice to give you. It seems like you are already aware that with your GPA it will be difficult to get into medical school, ...

13 years ago
Is becoming a psychiatrist worth the time, money, and effort

I think you'll get a large spectrum of answers. If you are talking about job satisfaction relative to other areas of medicine (which all require a lo...

13 years ago
Want a tattoo - Interested in Becoming a Psychiatrist

This reminds me of some of the old threads on piercings and going to medical school. If the tattoo is covered, there is absolutely no issue. If th...

13 years ago
Working on becoming a Psychologist for the Deaf.

I think it is great that you want to specialize in working with deaf individuals. In mental health, deaf/hard of hearing individuals present some ver...

13 years ago
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