I came here because I saw the other thread about PVCs which mentioned erythritol. I have been trying to collect as much information as possible about the connection as I am thinking I may be sensitive to erythritol. Whenever I reduce my erythritol intake, my PVCs become less frequent. I'm starting to think now that I psyche myself up and the anxiety alone may cause more skipped heart beats, but it seems there are other people who have noticed the same connection. It is so hard to know for sure though as it seems so many different things go into causing PVCs. I've started to get more and more used to them, but they also make me nervous at times. I'd be curious what other information people have found on the topic, or even just personal experiences.
I've noticed this post sitting here and realized I should share what information I can find on the topic. Remember, I am not giving medical advice, but I am sharing information that I have found elsewhere, and that I feel is reliable information.
Hi. I’ve been having PVCs for many years, but much more over the last year. (dx by my doc.- so I know they are PVCs)
I have been mostly low carb for years (Atkins style low carb since 1996)
Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, and Erlichia were isolated from my blood five months ago- I believe I contracted acute Borrelia infection around age 10 but didn’t know it until the last 5 years- searching for answers to all my symptoms (of Lyme) I am 49 years old. So that’s some background info that may also play into PVCs &cardiac involvement.
But sometimes I notice a marked increase in frequency and intensity of PVCs that keep me awake at night because it is so distracting.
I’ve noticed this appears to correlate with eating.
Last night they were really intense and I counted 20/ minute (1200/ hr) and they were up on my neck- just romping! It was a little disturbing. I noticed they began after I ate Lilys white chocolate. Today I looked at the ingredients wondering what might have triggered PVCs and the only ingredient that I thought could was erythritol. That chocolate has a lot of erythritol. I’ve had this happen before with this product but wasn’t sure it was that- last night it was isolated and began just after I ate the white chocolate. So yeah. I guess this thread shows that this is a trend other people are seeing too that matches some research I’ve seen recently about erythritol perhaps increasing cardiac event/ stroke risk and clotting. No more erythritol for me.