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Re: What major for psychiatrist

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I am a sophmore in highschool and i want to become a psychiatrist what should my major be and what classes should i take i have already taken algebra l and ll, triganomatry, bio, and latin .

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Basically, it doesn't matter a whole lot what you take in high school, except that you want to take whatever it takes to get into the best college ("best" will be different for everyone - basically I mean do what it takes to have the most options for college). You will basically want to make sure you take pre-calc before college, and many pre-meds have taken AP calc in high school, but this is definitely not necessary. You'll want to take high school level chemistry and physics, and you can consider taking the AP level of each of those classes. Most likely, though, you'll repeat many AP classes in college, even if you scored high enough to obtain credit for the classes.

As I mentioned above, the main goal will be to get into the best college you can, and then you'll have to take the required pre-med classes in college. Once you are into medical school, you'll do the same curriculum as any other doctor. You'll want to do well enough to have as much of a choice as to where you will do your psychiatry residency; however, psychiatry residencies are generally not as competitive as other specialties in medicine.

You've got a ways to go before you have to worry too much. I'd say just take the high school classes of most interest to you, that will also allow you to have the most choice as far as colleges you'll go to. Your high school advisor should be able to provide you with more suggestions on this issue.
