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MED School in Caribbean

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Every time that med school (ROSS) comes up, people tend to crack jokes. What's so bad about going to med school there? It's in a great location. I work in a hospital and every surgeon tells me the same thing: it doesnt matter where you go to med school as long as you get through it and get your license. What do you guys think? My GPA is'nt going to get me in due to overactivity the first two years in college. So I might have no choice but to apply and go to school there. Thanks

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I am certainly no expert, but from what I hear, going to a school in the Caribbean is a tough road. While the location is probably nice, the issue is that going to any med school is NOT the same thing, as going to a foreign medical school (which Caribbean schools are considered) will make it much more difficult for you to get accepted into the residency program you want.

Another option to consider is DO schools, as they are generally less competitive than MD programs, and you get similar training and will certainly be more competitive in the match than Caribbean schools (at least based on the limited information I have).

I'd be curious to get some feedback from someone who's gone to med school in the Caribbean - I can't think of anyone I've met who took that route.
