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Caribbean student interested in medical school

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I'm a student from the Caribbean, our system is the Cape exams, formerly GCE A levels.
What you recommend I do to get into medical school?!

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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 863

That's a tough question. Unfortunately, I'm not at all familiar with the Caribbean education system and what would be required to get into medical school. It is a very difficult topic to research, because whenever you try to do any searches with the terms Caribbean and Medical School, you wind up getting all websites promoting the Caribbean Medical Schools. I can't find any information to help someone living in the Caribbean interested in going to medical school. If your school counselor isn't able to help you, then you may want to see if any of the local doctors can tell you about what their education process was. Are you wanting to go to medical school in the United States, or somewhere else? You probably would want to check and see what the process is for any foreign person applying to whichever country in which you are interested.
