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To withdraw, or not to withdraw, that is the question!

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Hello everyone,

This is my first time on this board, and wanted to see if anyone has suggestions for my situation. I am currently taking prerequisites for medical schools and am trying to decide if I should withdraw from my General Chemistry 2 class. I already have a bachelor's degree, and am taking my pre-reqs at a community college. My current pre-req GPA is a 4.0 (Bio, Chem, A&P, Algebra, Trig, etc.), and ended up landing myself a bad teacher for Chem 2. The short story is that he teaches at one level, and tests significantly harder, so some of our tests had a high score of 85% for the class. My question is, I'm borderline at a B or C, and am trying to decide if risking getting a C in this class is worth it? If I get a C, I will obviously retake the class (with a different teacher), but if I get a B, I can live with that.

Do you think it's better for me to withdraw (Monday the 21st is the withdraw deadline), and delay the completion of my pre-reqs by a semester, or risk getting a C and having to retake it?

On a transcript, is a C and an A for the same class worse than a W and an A?

Thanks in advance for any advice you have!

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I would guess that a withdrawal won't factor into your GPA whereas a C will. I don't have a clear recommendation, but I think it might be better to take a withdrawal for the GPA reason.

Something else to be aware of, as has been mentioned in other threads, some medical schools may not take pre-med courses from a community college too seriously. There are reports of some people getting into medical school having taken their pre-med courses at a community college, but they are far and away the exception.
