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Re: Psychologist/Psychiatrist

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I am wondering which major to take if I want to become a psychiatrist after university. Would I take a bachelor of arts or science, and would I major in psychology, or chemistry or biology? Or even a major/minor? Also, is it realistic to plan for a private practice in which I would primarily offer psychological treatment and offer medical treatment as a secondary option? Would it be a valuable decision to go to medical school and become a psychiatrist, if it is a lot of extra work, if this is my intended plan? Also, which universities have good psychology/psychiatry programs? Thank you so much 🙂

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Doesn't matter what you major in. Major in what you like the most - you might not get to take those classes again after college. Doesn't matter if you have a BA or a BS. I personally had a BA, majored in Chemistry, and minored in philosophy. I only needed a few more credits to have a double major with biology or psychology, but it didn't really make much difference, and I really wasn't that interested in those classes.

As for good programs for psychology and psychiatry - I don't really know about psychology programs. I'd explore that with your counselor or professors in your psychology department at college. As for psychiatry - I'd wait until you are nearing the end of med school before you worry about which is a good program. A good program today may be pretty average 5 years from now.

As for your comments on therapy vs medications, I'd read the thread below, and then let me know if you still have questions:

Psychology vs psychiatry
