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Re: boomcat

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I have a question it may sound stupid to you but is psychiatry in the field of psychology, a friend of mine thinks it is but I don't, I was just wondering.

Estimable Member
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Psychiatry is a medical specialty. Psychiatrists prescribe medicine and use all treatment modalities.

Psychology is not a medical specialty. Psychologists can't prescribe meds, and use mostly psychotherapy for treatment.

See the link in the upper left of this website. Dr. Admin has described these differences in great detail. That will answer any question you might have.

Curtis Nordstrom
"Unum nihil, duos plurimum posse..."

Admin Admin
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Posts: 863

Psychology: The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.

Psychiatry: The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.

That question is actually not as simple as it seemed when I first read it. I would have to say that a lot of what psychiatrists utilize within their practice is the "field of psychology". However, I think there are some aspects of psychiatry that do not fit the definition of psychology - specifically some of the issues of understanding medication management like drug interactions. This is a minor distinction, and I believe it is open to a lot of interpretation.
