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High school student interested in Pediatrics

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i am in my last year of middle school and after i finish high school i want to major in pedicatrics. what courses do i need to take to have a good chance at getting in.

[ Edited by Admin on 2004/3/18 20:29 ]

Admin Admin
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 863

You are really planning far ahead. At this point, I wouldn't worry about what classes you'd need to become a pediatrician.

In high school, you'll just want to take the general classes everyone else takes to get into college. Once you are in college, you can then review what classes you would need to get accepted to medical school.

Just to fill you in, in order to become a pediatrician, you would:
1) Graduate a 4 year college program, any major, but need to take the required pre-med classes (chemistry, biology, physics, organic chemistry)
2) Graduate medical school - 4 year programs
3) Complete a residency program in pediatrics (3 year programs)

So, if you are in middle school right now, you've got a long way to go - I wouldn't worry too much about classes you take in high school, but you'll want to get good grades in order to get into a good college.

For more information about requirements for med school, check out this thread
