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Undergrad Junior looking to become a psychiatrist

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Hello, this is actually my first post!

So basically, throughout college I have been trying to find out exactly what I want to do in the future. I am almost positive it will be having to do with psychology in some way. As a little background into my personal situation, because I didnt like the fact that I would have to take years and years of schooling after college, when I was a freshman I quickly wrote off that career choice and because of it, am missing out on physics and chemistry which I know are required before going into medical school. Besides that, I have done biology and have a considerable amount of psychology courses and my overall GPA is a 3.44. My question is that could I take the required courses of physics and chemistry in a year while being a part time student at my current university (University of Colorado @ Boulder) while also volunteering/working at the local mental hospital and then still be on track for going to medical school following that 5th year of school in a sense? I apologize in advance if this seems not thought out but very recently I have found that I am starting to become very passionate in the clinical field of psychology and kind of feel like I have messed up my opportunity to get all my pre-med stuff done.

Ultimately, I know that I have to motivation to do it, but just want some more professional advice on my chances of actually getting into medical school with my GPA and class choices I have made already.

If you need any more information, feel free to ask and I will respond ASAP

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You still need to take one year of general chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, and one year of physics. You could do general chemistry and physics at the same time, but I don't think you could take general chemistry and organic chemistry at the same time. You'd take general chemistry first. I don't know if there are any programs that offer a years worth of pre-med level general chemistry in a summer program, but that would be a possible option if you really need to get this done in one year. Also, you really would want to have those courses done before taking the MCAT. Perhaps you could take the MCAT near the end of that year, but I don't see how you would have an application ready for the following fall.

I would suggest you talk to a pre-med advisor at your school and see what suggestions they have and can guide you on the most practical course.
