I want to get a lip ring but am afraid that it will stifle my chances of getting a job or even getting into medical school. Of course I will eventually take it out, but it will leave a small scar from my understanding. IS this a big issue when trying to become a pyschiatrist? thanks
Is the small scar a big deal or the lip ring itself? Look, this is not really a question that can be answered definitively. Some interviewers will be quite conservative and may feel it is inappropriate for a medical student or a psychiatrist. Others will respect your individual right to do as you please. If I were you, i would expect to field questions about its meaning to you, your reasons, your expectations as to your patients reactions, how you might speak to patients who ask about it. You might ask yourself about these things, as they are likely to come up clinically, and you would be well advised to anticipate that and prepare for it. If you can pull off responses that seem genuine, well-thought-out, and reasonable, it may not adversely affect things; it could even enhance the interviewer getting a perspective on your mature, well-thought-out position. However, the lip ring may complicate things in a way that is not worth getting into. If you want to be a doctor, you may ask yourself whether the risk is worth it or not. And you might well ask as well how important the lip ring is.
P.S. my response assumes the lip ring itself. Some barely noticeable scar may be of relatively little importance in the application, though you could conceivably be asked about it.
i meant just the scar from the ring
Polymath, I think you may have misunderstood. when i apply to med schools and residencies I would no longer have one. I'm talking strictly about the small scar that it will more than likely leave.
Ok, well as I said, my answer assumed the wearing of the ring. As to the scar, it is conceivable you could be asked. It probably will not prejudice your application to make reference to those younger days, now so deeply buried in the past, when you tread o' so slightly beyond the straight and narrow; in fact, those days now serve to add breadth to your experience and understanding of people, especially younger people who too may tread even farther from the mainstream than you did ....!
Thank you for the input Polymath 🙂
If you are so worried about the ring why get it. It will leave a scar and if you are so worried about the scar even before you get the ring than I say why even do it. I can say I have a scar from a foolish ring when I was younger and I regret it. Mind you it was really cool at the time but somehow I always knew for me it was just a fad. However, if it is not just a fad for you do it. Who really cares. Although you may be afraid some people may judge you from a scar. In the end you know its not who you are or who you are as a doctor. People who judge you for a hole are probably not people you want to deal with on a day to day basis anyway. Right? I am an optimist and I hope that something like that wouldnt really make a difference.
I just went ahead with it. I don't really care if it leaes a scar at this point. I agree with you, that if someone would judge me based on my looks I woudlnt want to work with them or for them anyways
My guess is the scar will be hardly noticeable, and I doubt anyone would ask you about it at an interview. For all they know, it could have been due to some trauma you experienced, and it would be bad form for an interviewer to ask you about something like that (not to say they can't ask - I was asked some pretty inappropriate questions at one interview).
Remember, many doctors are very conservative and believe the profession should maintain that image. You'll encounter all kinds in medical school. In the end, if you are a strong applicant and present well in an interview, a piercing is unlikely to make a significant difference (but it might if you get unlucky with who you interview with and you are a borderline applicant).
Now that I think about it, I had one classmate with a piercing in her nose. She was a great student. I think she had also gone to the same school for undergrand and ahd done work with some people in the med school as an undergrad - obviously the med school knew she was a good student and the nose piercing was no big deal.
Believe it or not, people will always judge others based on appearances. I'm guessing that is the main reason people get piercings - to show their individuality and say a little about themselves by appearances.
I think if your plan is to remove it and let it close up before interviewing, it is almost a non-issue.
Why get it at the first place when you are so afraid of it.
But anyways if you are gonna remove it, then a little scar will not be a issue.
Rings are cool though. 🙂