I have Fibromyalgia. But there are some symptoms doctors could not understand.
They are Sleep and stomach problems.
They are not fatal ones but burdensome.
I am surfing web sites looking for helpful information, but find nothing.
Because those symptoms make me stay in,
I want to get over them.
Do you know the site which covers minority
I don't recall hearing fibroymyalgia referred to as minority disease.
At this time, I haven't collected a list of fibromyalgia resources, but I anticipate doing this very soon, and then I'll add a link to those resources from this thread.
For now, I'd recommend checking out the resources listed here:
I wish many people visited here.
[ Edited by Mist on 2004/4/27 22:44 ]
here is all information you need on the disease
[ Edited by Admin on 2005/9/5 15:17 ]
I'm assuming you cut and pasted the above information from:
As they own that information, I have had to delete your post. The information is useful, but please don't repost information found elsewhere on the web, especially when it is copyright information and it is easy to link to the page with the information.